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Since inception, part of the core characteristics of Kubernetes have been its outstanding orchestration and scheduling capabilities. By nature, resources available to the pods are shared resources and preventing compute starvation is critical. But if we are capable of preventing compute starvation, shouldn’t we also prevent network starvation?

  • Cilium removes the need for an IFB (Intermediate Functional Block), therefore reducing the latency that was introduced with the CNI plugin implementation
  • Cilium leverages multi-core and multi queue capabilities, ensuring rate-limiting is not detrimental to performances
  • Cilium leverages state-of-the-art and optimal congestion avoidance technologies like Earliest Departure Time and Timing Wheel to reduce latency.

Now – platform operators don’t always care how it’s done – they want to know 1) if it works and 2) if it’s easy to operate.

A typical netperf test is called TCP_STREAM and goes from the netperf client to the netperf server. Therefore a stream from the netperf server to the client will be STREAM backwards – MAERTS. This is how servers typically operate, with larger data flows going from server to client.

Addressing Bandwidth Exhaustion with Cilium Bandwidth Manager

In a few short years, Kubernetes has gone from being a “bleeding edge tech” to the “new enterprise standard” for how modern applications are built and operated. Enterprises and telcos are now past the initial “Day 1” challenges (e.g., “which Kubernetes distro do I run?”) and are in the deeper “Day 2” challenges, with a major focus on how they scalably connect, secure, and observe the connectivity between these modern API-driven applications.

As organizations look for the best way to solve these challenges on modern Kubernetes platforms the most obvious technical requirements are:

  • Highly distributed & efficient processing to handle the explosion of east-west communication (centralized devices become bottlenecks and per-workload “sidecar proxies” are too heavyweight).
  • Workload identity and API-layer visibility as a first-class construct for both zero-trust security and observability (since IPs and ports are nearly meaningless in a Kubernetes environment).
  • Configurable via standardized and automation-friendly APIs (e.g., Kubernetes CRDs such as Services, Ingress, NetworkPolicy).
  • Integrates with legacy networks and legacy workloads running outside of Kubernetes.

The Rise of Kubernetes and the End of Networking & Security as You Know It. What’s Next?